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Core Values


Torah ”בן חמש שנים למקרא, בן עשר למשנה, בן שלש עשרה למצות, בן חמש עשרה לתלמוד.“ (פרקי אבות 5:2)
At Barkai Yeshivah, we believe that all elements of our world should be recognized through the framework of Torah. In order to build the requisite Torah foundation for each student, we use the Barkai Method. The Barkai Method views the love of Torah as central to the construction of a student’s personal identity. The students’ intellectual, spiritual, and emotional growth are nurtured through Torah learning, according to the order delineated by Hazal. The Barkai method exposes students to the richness of Torah text, makes Torah relevant to every facet of life, and presents all 613 Misvot in their appropriate context, with a focus on integrating Torah with the General Studies curriculum.

According to the Barkai Method, Tanakh is taught by exposing the depth of peshat through study of grammar and syntax, the meaning of each word, the context of each pasuk, and the structure of every paragraph. Humash and Neviim Rishonim are taught sequentially and in their entirety, pasuk by pasuk, starting in first grade. Sensitive topics are addressed by teachers on the student’s developmental level to help the student understand these topics in a sanctified manner. Repetition of the text with the te’amim throughout a student’s youth deeply ingrains the Tanach in the student’s memory. This shinun connects students to thousands of years of Jewish tradition and develops love of and fidelity to the Torah itself. Before progressing to Midrash it is critical for students to have broad fluency in Torah to fully appreciate the messages of Midrash. Midrash and Rashi are studied as serious disciplines to appropriately convey the values and ideas that they contain.

Precise understanding of case law, and reason in Mishnah is taught to students to serve as a backbone in their understanding of Torah She’beal Peh. All of our students engage in broad study of the Mishnah text, with the boys completing a full seder by graduation. Students are prepared with an understanding of Talmud; its structure, development, and content.
A Torani atmosphere is present throughout the school building. Beginning in first grade, classrooms for all subjects are separate gender while Middle School boys and girls are in separate areas. We are committed to teaching Halacha based on the law as prescribed by Rabbi Yosef Karo in the Shulhan Aruch, as shaped and developed through the generations by the long standing minhagim of the Aram Soba community. The 13 Ikarim of Rambam serve as the core principles of our faith.

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